What are the conditions for graphite powder to be used in semiconductors?

Many semiconductor products in the process of production need to add graphite powder to promote the performance of the product, in the use of semiconductor products, graphite powder need to choose the model of high purity, fine granularity, high temperature resistant, only accord with the requirement of such, can at the same time of semiconductor products, will not have a negative effect, graphite powder in accordance with below small make up for you talk about what conditions to semiconductor use?

Graphite powder

1, the production of semiconductor needs to choose high purity graphite powder.

Semiconductor industry for the high demand for graphite powder materials, the purity to the higher the better, especially graphite components come into direct contact with the semiconductor material, such as sintering mold, impurity content at pollution semiconductor material, so not only for the use of graphite shall strictly control the purity of raw materials, but also by high temperature graphitization treatment, the ash content to a minimum extent.

2, the production of semiconductor needs to choose high particle size graphite powder.

Semiconductor industry graphite material requires fine particle size, fine particle graphite is not only easy to achieve processing accuracy, and high temperature strength, small loss, especially for sintering mold requires high processing accuracy.

3, the production of semiconductor needs to choose high temperature graphite powder.

Because graphite devices used in the semiconductor industry (including heaters and sintering dies) need to withstand repeated heating and cooling processes, in order to improve the service life of graphite devices, the graphite materials used in high temperature with good dimensional stability and thermal impact performance.

Post time: Nov-26-2021