Why can flake graphite be used as pencil lead?

Now on the market, many pencil leads are made of flake graphite, so why can flake graphite be used as pencil lead? Today, the editor of Furuit graphite will tell you why flake graphite can be used as a pencil lead:
First, it’s black; second, it has a soft texture that slides across the paper and leaves marks. If observed under a magnifying glass, pencil handwriting is composed of very fine scale graphite particles.
The carbon atoms inside the flake graphite are arranged in layers, the connection between the layers is very weak, and the three carbon atoms in the layer are very closely connected, so the layers are easy to slide after being stressed, like a stack of playing cards, With a slight push, the cards slide between cards.
In fact, the lead of the pencil is formed by mixing scale graphite and clay in a certain proportion. According to the national standard, there are 18 types of pencils according to the concentration of flake graphite. “H” stands for clay and is used to indicate the hardness of the pencil lead. The larger the number in front of “H”, the harder the pencil lead, that is, the greater the proportion of clay mixed with graphite in the pencil lead, the less obvious the characters written, and it is often used for copying.

Post time: May-23-2022